7 Ways to Cut Your Health Care Costs

cutting costs

Mounting health care bills in the United States is pretty macroscopic. With citizens paying an enormous amount, cutting health care costs is the only option.

According to Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), a non-elderly family in the U.S. spends approximately $8,200, which makes 11% of their income. In addition, an employee spends $5,250 per year despite their insurance coverage.

Having a copious amount of medical bills to settle becomes a huge problem that unknowingly causes more mental issues. With that in mind, this article gives you a few ways to keep a little more cash in your pocket.

Cutting Costs on Medicines

Prescribed medicines for most health issues can cost you oodles. To save a little, you should ask your doctor to replace expensive medications with suitable generic ones.

The generic medicines are composed of the same salt and the same active ingredient but may cost you less for that non-brand stamp. As per the Consumer Reports, generic drugs are as effective and safe as name-brand drugs and often cost significantly less.

Do not try to figure out generic medicines on your own; ask your doctor. Otherwise, this cost-cutting technique may cause you more harm than good.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Discounts

It’s never going to hurt to ask for discounts. Opting for an active approach is always accessible and may not serve any disadvantage to you. It might be surprising to know that you can ask for discounts from your doctor.

The ever-increasing competition in the medical industry bounds private doctors to hold on to their customers, which is why they might be willing to offer concessions on your overall bill. Go for it; you might not turn disappointed!

Use Your Benefits

Based on a report by the U.S. Census Bureau, around 86% of Americans are covered by health insurance. Preferred Provider Options (PPO) are a bunch of network providers offering health insurance plans to incur 70-80% of your medical expenses.

Also, quite a few health plans, along with financial benefits, offer guidance from experienced health advocates. These people can advise you to manage your benefits effectively and help choose the right health plan, saving you from running out of cash.

Get in Touch With PAF

Have you ever heard of this before? Don’t worry, read on. Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) offers financial assistance with co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles needed for a patient’s medical bill.

Such foundations provide case management services for chronically ill patients and support them to overcome challenges in health care systems.

You can contact the nearest PAF to opt for a suitable patient advocacy group sponsorship and get your hands on hassle-free access to care and treatment recommended by your doctor.

Compare Drug Costs

This solution to cost-cutting might cause wear and tear, but it is worth the result. We suggest you shop around a little at your nearby pharmacies. It sounds simple, but it can work wonders for your pocket.

Often, the different pharmacies sell drugs at different prices, either due to their rent costs or other miscellaneous costs. It is better that you move around and checks what other pharmacies are charging for the same drug, and you might end up saving significantly.

Watch Out for Billing Errors

Mistakes tend to happen, and sometimes they may directly or indirectly cost us a little too much. It is not often that we review the bills, but you must be shocked to know that about 80 to 90% of the hospital bills are erroneous, according to a report by Medliminal.

Hence, it is highly encouraged to review for bills, and if you find any discrepancy, you must immediately contact the hospital services or the pharmacist.

Additionally, if you are following an insurance plan, the company likely provides you with the facility of the billing audit. This makes you double sure about the money you spent on health care bills. Moreover, it is recommended to ask for itemized bills to know what exactly you are charged for.

Health Is Wealth

Saving the best for the last, good health is the top investment that you can make for yourself. If you keep a check on your health- following a good diet and routine, choosing to stay happy, pamper yourself with positivity, give and take love, then no hurdles in the universe can break your spirit.

Thus, to save yourself from huge health care costs, you should look out for your health. As they say, prevention is better than cure!

There you have it! While health care treatments can be very costly, these tips can help you save some money. Therefore, it’s time to prepare yourself for any medical emergency that comes your way.

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