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What You Can and Cannot Do Before and After Your Cosmetic Surgery

Choosing a reliable and trusted plastic surgeon is the initial step for a safe cosmetic operation and beautiful outcome. What’s next? Follow your doctor’s instructions before and after the surgery.

An experienced surgeon would ensure that you understand everything you need to do to ensure your safety before, during, and after the procedure. While the doctor may give different instructions according to the patient’s preferred procedure, medical history, and lifestyle, there are general rules to follow.

Do you plan to undergo plastic surgery? Here are the basic things to know.

Your Recovery Relies on Your Preparation

People might think that recovery is all about healing oneself after surgery, but utmost preparation before the surgery plays a significant role in quick recovery. To do this, you need to create an optimal environment that promotes healing.

The Dos and Don’ts of Cosmetic Surgery

Eat a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

Your body needs to consume complete nutrients to ensure that it heals quickly and properly. The more you feed your body with vitamins, minerals, and quality proteins, the better. Consider sticking to hormone-free meats, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and healthy fats. On the contrary, avoid sugary and processed food as they can inflame the body, affecting your recovery. Besides, an inflamed body is the last thing you’ll want following an extensive operation.

Don’t Do Any Physical Activity

Your doctor may also advise you to avoid any physical activity in the meantime. You need to take your time and get enough rest to re-energize your body. Indeed, exercising is important, but at this point, getting better is your number one priority. After all, you will enjoy your hobbies and interests more if you do not have a swollen face or body.

If you have regular classes, perhaps yoga or ballroom classes, be sure to inform your instructor about your upcoming surgery. In most cases, you can go back to your normal life in two to three days, depending on your health condition.

Don’t Smoke Before and After Your Surgery

no smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for the health, and it can be even more dangerous if you are about to undergo surgery. Nicotine can constrict your blood vessels, which chokes the blood off the incision areas. As a result, the healing process slows down, and your risk of getting infections, tissue death, and poor scarring gets higher.

For your reference, many doctors do not perform cosmetic procedures on patients who have smoked in the past six weeks before the operation.

Have a List of Prohibited Substances

Did you know that there are specific substances that can affect your recovery? For instance, taking aspirin is off-limits before cosmetic surgery because it increases the risk of preoperative bleeding. In addition, many healthy substances are prohibited as they put the patient at risk of poor recovery.

Aspirin can act as a blood thinner, which can put the patient at risk of internal bleeding and may get in the way of the effects of anesthesia. Before the operation, your doctor will give you a list of food and substances to avoid. Make sure to read and understand it.

Make Arrangements for Child Care

Overall, you’ll be quite useless for a few days following the surgery. In this case, you might need to ask for help from your family and friends. If you have a child, assign someone to look after your kid while you are in the period of recovery.

However, make sure to have someone for yourself as well. You don’t need to hire a private nurse. Just ask one of your friends to accompany you in the meantime.

Take Your Medication

You will most likely be in pain for a day or two, so make sure to take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Many patients despise taking pain relievers, but keep in mind that these pills can help you rest thoroughly. And rest is critical in your speedy recovery.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is vital to help you feel better. Water flushes out the residual effects of anesthesia and helps your body bring nutrients to the healing incisions. Also, water keeps post-op constipation at bay.

Last but not least, stay in touch with your doctor. If this is your first ever surgery, chances are you will have tons of questions along the way. Do not hesitate to reach out to your doctor if you feel like something is wrong.

Furthermore, do not forget your follow-up appointments with the surgeon. Even though you feel so much better and the results are amazing, you need to visit the clinic. Your doctor needs to ensure that everything is in place and that you are healing accordingly. Besides, it’s a great opportunity to thank the team behind your successful operation.

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