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Here’s What Causes You to Have Adult Acne

One of the staples of puberty is suddenly getting a surge of pimples. It’s a cause for a lot of physical discomforts and can be a source of self-consciousness, too. We are often comforted by the notion that it’s supposed to be one of those things you eventually grow out of. However, this is not always the case, and unfortunately, adult acne is a genuine thing that can be a real detriment if left untreated. On top of that, it’s often indicative of other underlying issues that should be checked out.

If you have acne problems and you’re well into your adulthood, you may be wondering why it’s still a persistent issue for you. While the best course of action is to have a comprehensive check with a reliable dermatologist, you may find that one of these checks the boxes:

Consistent and almost relentless stress affects millions of adults daily, and among the many tolls this takes on the body comes to the development of acne. In the United States, surveys revealed that over half of American adults feel stressed for most of the day. That inevitably leads to a myriad of health problems, and one physical manifestation of this is acne that is hard to combat with regular facial wash and one spa day.

While the issue that needs to be tackled is the stress itself, the way it causes acne is by activating bacteria that causes bacteria and releasing more hormones like cortisol. When your cortisol hits high levels, you produce more oil – which is one of the major activators for acne. If this is the cause, you’ll want to target your glands and their oil production.

consultation with a gynecologist

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome only affects women, but it has a ton of uncomfortable symptoms, including acne. It’s important to note that the presence of acne means that the PCOS is already quite severe and would require the intervention of a medical professional to treat the condition best and manage different symptoms. As it affects the ovary, the higher production of androgens causes acne to crop up quite significantly. While you can take medication specifically for this symptom, it would also be best to find ways to manage the underlying condition to prevent complications.

Sharp changes in the hormones can also affect acne, so you may want to get a check-up to see if you see any spikes in estrogen or testosterone so that it can be addressed as soon as possible. If you’re deliberately undergoing hormone therapy, you can seek out a specialist to taper the sebum production caused by these hormonal shifts that are causing acne.

It’s recommended to see a doctor about this complication if the acne gets severe and puts you at risk for scarring and affects your pigmentation. It’s also important to avoid jumping right into peels that may not be the right course of action for this particular variation of acne.

If you have acne, there are many possible treatments available nowadays. To find the right one for your specific case, though, it’s best to get a professional’s recommendation to avoid any mishaps and counterproductive measures.

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