Shine Fellows

Understanding Holistic Wellness and Its Aspects

We measure health in many ways. Often, health is broken down into various diagnoses and numbers that usually don’t provide the best output of what’s happening in the mind and body.

While western medicine and modern-day treatments have significantly brought life-saving and remarkable advancements, they also have a few drawbacks. For instance, western medicine usually considers health conditions as separate circumstances rather than looking at the individual as a whole.

On the contrary, holistic health differs as it aims to achieve optimal wellness, including mental, spiritual, and physical. The approach includes viewing the body and its conditions as a whole and that each element is connected.

Understanding Holistic Health


It’s a good thing that even millennials nowadays consider holistic wellness when taking care of their health. They understand that holistic wellness is a form of healing that does not isolate. It looks at the person as a whole: spirit, mind, and body.

In addition, this kind of healing typically involves several complementary medicines and alternative health practices that protrude modern-day treatments. Lastly, it goes beyond more than one treatment of signs and symptoms to support the individual.

Some alternative practices that can usually be seen in holistic health programs are:

Seniors usually take part in these complementary healing practices as they understand how holistic healing can help them have a deeper level of wellness. It allows them to have a joyful way of life and a healthier lifestyle crucial for their sensitive age.

However, it would still be advisable not to take any chances, especially for senior citizens. If possible, make sure that they still go to their trusted physicians for regular checkups. Get them a medical monitoring and alert system at home to ensure that their physical health is well-observed by professionals when needed.

Aspects of Holistic Health


People usually think about physical health when they talk about wellness and health. This is primarily because the signs and symptoms of a health condition are seen in the body. Plus, these physical symptoms are easier to track than non-physical signs.

The holistic approach of wellness and health consider a few practices that benefit the physical body, making a significant difference in a person’s general well-being:


Our emotional health is often overlooked, but it’s just as important as our physical health. Here’s how to take care of your emotional health:


According to studies, happy people have deep connections with their loved ones and community. This is why happiness is commonly associated with religion, as it can provide a solid sense of support from a trusted community.

Here are some ways to improve your social health:


Spiritual health doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be downright religious. However, religion and your spiritual health usually overlap because of their principles and practices. Here’s how to support your spiritual health:


Thankfully, more and more people are raising awareness about mental health these days. Mental health is the last aspect of our holistic health, and it usually overlaps with our physical and emotional health. Our mental health includes our cognitive abilities that affect how our brain works.

Here are some practical ways to boost your mental health:

As you can see, there are five elements of holistic wellness: physical, mental, spiritual, social, and emotional. These five things need to be well-cared for to ensure that you get optimal health and a happy lifestyle. Make sure that you always consider these factors when seeking holistic care.

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