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Hyperdontia vs Hypodontia: What’s the Difference and How to Deal With Them

Dental health is a priority in the United States. With so many adults being affected by cavities in the country, it’s no wonder that the entire country is doing its best to ensure that people get the best dental care possible. Unfortunately, however, some dental abnormalities and diseases are unavoidable. Thankfully, they are pretty rare.

Two of the rarest dental diseases are hyperdontia and hypondontia. Both are concentrated in the way people’s teeth grow and how they grow. Here are their differences and how to deal with them.


Hyperdontia is the overgrowth of teeth. It is a rare condition, affecting less than 1% of the population. The condition can be acquired or genetic. When someone has hyperdontia, they may have extra teeth behind the regular teeth (supernumerary teeth).

These teeth are typically harmless and don’t require any treatment. However, the extra teeth can crowd the mouth and make it difficult to chew or speak properly in some cases. It can also affect the way people look. If the extra teeth are visible, people may want to have them removed for cosmetic reasons.

Generally, supernumerary teeth can also push certain teeth towards each other. As a result, it can block the eruption of certain teeth and cause crowding. In some cases, the extra teeth need to be removed because they are preventing other teeth from coming in.

young boy shows his first fresh tooth-gap


Hypodontia is the opposite of hyperdontia. It is the undergrowth of teeth. This means that a person is missing one or more teeth. It is a very rare condition, and it affects only a few people.

There are different types of hypodontia. One type is called congenital hypodontia when someone is born without certain teeth. It can happen if the baby’s teeth don’t develop in the womb or if they are lost during the birth process. The other type is called acquired hypodontia when someone loses teeth as they get older. It can happen because of an injury, infection, or disease.

Hypodontia can cause problems with chewing and speaking. It can also affect the way people look. If the missing teeth are visible, people may want to have them replaced. However, those who have severe hypodontia might want to have artificial teeth so it can help with chewing and digestion.

Among the two of these diseases, hypodontia is the most dangerous. It can lead to various problems, such as indigestion and even gum disease. The lack of teeth can lead to indigestion because the person won’t be able to chew their food properly. It can cause them to have difficulty digesting their food and absorbing the nutrients properly. While gum disease is also a common problem for those, who have hypodontia. The bacteria in the mouth can build up and cause inflammation and infection in the gums.

Reasons For These Diseases

There are various reasons why a person might have these diseases. The first reason is genetics.


Genetics is the most common reason for these diseases. If a person has either hyperdontia or hypodontia, it is likely because it runs in the family. So if you know someone in your family who has it, you should prepare for it.

Lifestyle Choice

The second reason is lifestyle choices. For example, if you smoke or drink heavily, it can increase your chances of developing these diseases. In addition, smoking and drinking can damage your teeth and gums, leading to tooth loss.

Dental Trauma

The third reason is dental trauma. This can happen if you have an accident that damages your teeth or jaws. It can also occur if you have a disease that affects your teeth, such as diabetes or cancer. Dental trauma can be the main reason for hypodontia, but not for hyperdontia.


If you have either of these diseases, there are various treatments available. But as with many other dental diseases, the first step is to get diagnosed by visiting your local dental office. Through this diagnosis, you can get a proper treatment plan.

For hyperdontia, the most common treatment is to remove the extra teeth. It’s usually done for cosmetic reasons. But in some cases, the teeth need to be removed because they prevent other teeth from coming in.

For hypodontia, the most common treatment is to replace the missing teeth. Dentists can do it with dentures, implants, or bridges. But in some cases, the missing teeth don’t need to be replaced.

These are just some things you should know about these two diseases. If you think you might have either of them, it’s essential to see your dentist get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

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