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Oral health is essential and here’s why!

We’ve all been told by our dentist Liverpool that looking after our teeth is vital to keep them white, bright and germ-free. A little research will show you that maintaining your dental health has several benefits that you may not have even realised.

Our mouths are the breeding ground for good and bad bacteria. By following practices, such as brushing teeth, flossing, and visiting the dental practitioner regularly, we’re keeping germs in check.

Nasty oral infection may occur when these everyday cleaning rituals are neglected.

Read on to find out more about what could happen if you don’t frequently brush and floss your pearly whites.


We’ve all experienced cavities in one form or another as children and adults. If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky. The leading contributors to cavities are poor dental hygiene and a high-sugar diet.

Cavities start to form when a tooth’s enamel is repeatedly attacked by the acid found in food.  This results in tooth decay that spreads if left untreated and will require urgent dental care.

Cavities in the early stages can be reversed by resorting to a healthier diet, improving dental cleaning, and sometimes fluoride treatment. However, once the decay progresses and affects the pulp, more severe action, like a root canal, may need to be taken.

Gingivitis and periodontitis

Gingivitis is a reversible gum disease that can progress into periodontitis, a more severe variation of the condition that may cause tooth loss if it’s not addressed.

People with gingivitis will know that something is wrong as visible symptoms, like red, puffy and bleeding gums, occur. However, those with even milder cases may present no signs. For this reason, regular dental check-ups are necessary to treat these issues before they become more significant and harder to treat.

Similar to dental decay, gingivitis is induced by neglecting one’s dental health.

woman smiling white teeth


Bad dental hygiene is one cause of halitosis or chronic bad breath. This problem may occur when bad-breath bacteria hide in spaces that are difficult to clear out, for example, in the tiny openings caused by dental decay and in the deep pockets formed with gum disease.

If you’ve noticed your smelly breath, better your brushing technique by cleaning for longer and focussing on spots that are tough to reach.

Visit your dental practitioner if the issue persists – despite your lifestyle changes – for a thorough dental examination. Problems like cavities or periodontal issues can be cured with treatment.

How can I prevent these issues entirely?

People of all ages are likely to experience oral health problems in their lifetime. The frustrating thing is that unless these issues are caused by genetics, other diseases or medication, they’re entirely preventable.

Recent findings have shown that people don’t brush their teeth frequently, long enough, or simply don’t brush correctly, which are factors that can be improved with practice.

Follow these simple steps for improved dental health

Brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and evening or as advised by your dentist.

Use the correct techniques as demonstrated to you by your oral health practitioner.

Don’t forget to floss – it’s a necessary stage of one’s teeth cleaning regime.

What else can I do?

Change your diet, especially if you eat lots of greasy foods, drink fizzy drinks and have a sweet tooth.  Instead, consume more vegetables, some fruit, and lean proteins.

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