Shine Fellows

Self-Care for Mental Health During Lockdown

While the coronavirus is a great threat to our physical health, it also poses a great danger to our emotional and mental well being. A lot of people from all over the world are dealing with feelings of helplessness and anxiety as we face a future with so much uncertainty.

The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the globe has affected the way we live and handle our affairs from factories and businesses ceasing operations in Boise to patients getting bulimia treatment in Westport. These disturbances and irregularities have triggered emotional and mental health issues that, if left unaddressed, could worsen over time.

9 Ways to Care for Your Mental and Emotional Health During This Pandemic

1. Establish a routine as much as you can.

According to experts, unstructured times create feelings of boredom, anxiety, and depression. Having a set.routine and sticking to it helps establish a sense of normalcy that can help people cope with all the irregularity going on.

2. Exercise regularly.

Exercising at home is a great way to kill time while improving your health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins — or happy hormones — that make you feel good about yourself. Setting aside a regular time of exercise is not only good for your body but it is also beneficial for your mental health.

3. Go out and take a breath of fresh air.

Cabin fever is real and it does not help someone deal with anxiety and depression. A few minutes spent outside the house is enough to do wonders for you.

4. Declutter.

Decluttering and organizing not only helps make your house clean and orderly, but it can also be therapeutic. It gives you a sense of control and makes you feel productive despite being at home.

5. Meditate and reflect.

woman doing yogaMeditation and reflection help calm the troubled mind and soul. A lot of researches and studies have already proved it to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. If meditation is not your thing, you can still counter panic attacks by controlled breathing to suppress excessive stress.

6. Connect with people as you practice social distancing.

Human interaction is a vital aspect of our lives. We were all made for connections which is something that we are deprived of at this time. That doesn’t mean that we should stop talking to each other. With the present circumstances, we just need to make do with technology — messages, calls, or video conferences — or having a streetside conversation at a safe distance.

7. Serve.

Serving people during difficult times is not only altruistic but also beneficial for one’s mental health. Helping other people gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. If you find yourself in a position to help someone, take the opportunity to serve. It’s good for your mental well-being.

8. Practice gratitude and thanksgiving.

Clearly this is challenging to do now especially if you have been directly impacted by the pandemic. However, several studies have proven time and time again how gratitude and thankfulness are hugely beneficial to a person’s mental health. Take time to list down things you are thankful for even as we are going through these tough times. It is not just practicing positivity. It is reorienting your heart.

9. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Times are hard today. That’s a fact. If things haven’t been going your way because of uncontrollable events, learn to let go and be more forgiving of yourself. It is not your fault. None of this is. Work with what you can control and make the most out of your situation.

Taking care of your mental health at this time is as crucial as protecting your physical body from the coronavirus. Stay home and stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

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