How to Improve Patient Care in Your Dental Practice

Male patient at the dentist

People consider several things when choosing a dentist to see periodically. They take into account the clinic’s location, the dentist’s reputation, and more. But what gets them to stay is the quality of service given to them.

Just like any other profession, the dental practice can be considered as a customer service job. That’s because a dentist uses their knowledge and skills to provide aid and care for their patients. They also undertake proactive efforts to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of each person coming into their clinic. If you want to improve customer service and retain more patients, here are some tips to improve patient care in your dental practice.

Improve communication with your patients.

A trip to the dentist is only recommended twice per year, so there’s not much interaction with the dentist and patient between those periods. Unless, of course, the patient experiences a dental problem and has to see the dentist promptly. But even though there is minimal interaction between a dentist and patients, good communication is still vital.

As much as possible, a dentist should make it easy for their clients to set appointments and reach out to them in case of need. Take advantage of the internet and enable online scheduling and sending of appointment reminders when the scheduled date draws near. It is also ideal to have an online consultation in case of client inquiries. Streamlining and improving communication processes will go a long way in increasing customer satisfaction.

Listen to your patients.

In any business, it’s essential to gather feedback, comments, and suggestions from the customers. This will help you figure out specific areas in your practice that need improvement. Plus, people like being heard. So you should make sure that you’re taking the time to listen to the patients.

Every after an appointment, ask your patient to fill out a satisfaction survey. Give them an avenue to share their thoughts about your practice and the overall experience they had during their visit. Demonstrate that you care about what they have to say and want to improve your services for them.

Shorten waiting time.

Studies show that a common cause of frustration in healthcare patients is the long wait. Many people do not have the luxury of time to spend hours sitting in the waiting room, waiting for their turn to be treated. The best thing a dentist can do to improve customer satisfaction is to shorten the waiting time.

You can achieve shorter waiting times by setting accurate schedules and sticking to them. Allocate the adequate time for every patient, and put in a few extra minutes as leeway, depending on their treatment. Improve processes as well by using more efficient equipment like 3D printers for orthodontics, practice management software, laser dentistry, and the like.

Keep customers entertained and engaged.

Female patient at the dentist

Although it’s ideal to keep waiting times short, there are instances when it’s beyond your control. There might be surgeries or treatments that take longer than expected, forcing you to push back other appointments. What a dentist can do is decrease the perceived waiting time by keeping the patients entertained and engaged. Simple things like putting up a television, offering free WiFi, and other entertainment options can help patients feel comfortable as they wait for their turn.


Any medical practice should have the welfare and satisfaction of their patients in mind. These tips will not only keep them coming back to your clinic, but these will also help improve their treatments and recovery. Take these tips and start improving customer satisfaction in your practice today.

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