April 2020

Plastic surgery

Three Situations Where Surgical Enhancements to Appearances Are Justified

Throughout the country, there has been an ongoing debate over the ethics and implications of various surgical procedures being performed to improve one’s appearance. The field is certainly not new, and the discussion goes back several decades – with each new innovation seeming to only add more fuel to the flames of debate. Many people […]

Three Situations Where Surgical Enhancements to Appearances Are Justified Read More »

a doctor

Essential Workers Are and Have Always Been Heroes

The recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has taken the world so suddenly that everything’s come to an eerie halt. With the advice of social distancing and millions of people in quarantine, the coronavirus has made society realize that the essential workers are not the suit-and-tie, briefcase-carrying men. Our essential workers are supermarket employees, healthcare workers, bus

Essential Workers Are and Have Always Been Heroes Read More »

medical frontliner

First Responders and Essentials: Courage, Valor, and Selflessness in Action

America has been attacked by a dangerous enemy, the likes of which we have never seen before. We did not see it coming. We underestimated its power. We were not prepared for it. Faced with an enemy so perilous, our government had no choice but to call for Americans to retreat. And retreat we did.

First Responders and Essentials: Courage, Valor, and Selflessness in Action Read More »

man drinking coffee

Practicality Is Key: Life Choices that Can Boost Your Performance at Work

You’ve listened to all the motivational speakers, attended the workshops, and worked harder than anybody else in the office. Your exhaustion is a testament to your work ethic. If you can give up sleep entirely to get that promotion, you won’t hesitate to do so. That’s society’s perception of hard work today, and it poses

Practicality Is Key: Life Choices that Can Boost Your Performance at Work Read More »

kid and cookies

Three Ways to Prevent Unhealthy Snacking During Quarantine

Due to city quarantine measures, many people spend more time at home than they’ve ever been in a while. Companies have shut down their offices and deployed their employees to a work-from-home set-up. Universities and schools have moved to online classes, too. Without much of a social life and easy access to snacks, people are

Three Ways to Prevent Unhealthy Snacking During Quarantine Read More »

two doctors looking at a monitor

Telehealth: Providing Remote Healthcare During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Since COVID-19 was declared a public health emergency, the healthcare industry has focused on caring for patients who tested positive for the virus and have shown symptoms of infection. But, what if a patient is not infected and needs other healthcare services? Hospitals and clinics are focusing on the pandemic, and a few providers accept

Telehealth: Providing Remote Healthcare During the COVID-19 Outbreak Read More »

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